Produce It. Protect It.
Food and fibre education for Victorian primary schools.
This project is a collaboration between Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia (PIEFA) and the Victorian Farmers Federation. The project supports teaching and learning of the food and fibre curriculum through: VIC Farmer Time, Free Incursions, and Professional Development and Curriculum Consultation.
Who We Are
Produce It. Protect It. Education Officer Jayne Johns is an experienced teacher with a passion for promoting Agriculture and developing hands-on resources that engage students in Food and Fibre education. Jayne works closely with PIEFA member organisations, Victorian educators and PIEFA staff to create impactful, exciting resources and learning experiences to bring food and fibre into classrooms throughout Victoria.
Virtual Classroom
The Virtual Classroom offers online resources which can be utilised by students within the classroom or during remote learning to explore food and fibre through multimodal activities.
Activities with the 15 Minute Farmer Time symbol are part of our featured 15 Minute Farmer Time series and provide students with the opportunity to hear first-hand from Victorian farmers to learn all about how our food and fibre is produced.
Curriculum Resources
Curriculum aligned units of work and pre-recorded VIC Farmer Time sessions.
VIC Farmer Time
The VIC Farmer Time program creates engaging and interactive food and fibre learning experiences by connecting classrooms with selected primary producers across Victoria.
Pre-recorded VIC Farmer Time Sessions
Pre-recorded Farmer Time sessions are designed for ease of implementation within the classroom. While sessions have been grouped according to year levels many of these recordings are applicable for students from years F-12.
Sessions with a blue button were recorded on farm, and can be utilised as a virtual farm tour within the classroom.
Follow the links below to access pre-recorded Farmer Time sessions.
Industry Resources
To further engage your students in Food and Fibre education, Primezone and Primezone Academy offer an extensive range of resources, digital courses and professional development options.
Primezone Academy
Other Resources
Professional Development and Curriculum Consultation
Guidance on materials and learning opportunities that complement units of work or individual lesson plans can be provided by Education Officers. There are a variety of resources available to support and effectively develop programs within schools. Education Officers can provide consultation for teachers – within schools or online – to highlight activities appropriate to a school’s curriculum. Online courses will be available for teacher professional development throughout the year and can be accessed through Primezone Academy when available.
Contact the Produce It. Protect It. team.
This project is supported by the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment, through funding from the Australian Government’s Educating Kids About Agriculture Initiative.