Farmer Time

Learn From A Farmer

Home VIC Farmer Time

VIC Farmer Time

The VIC Farmer Time program creates engaging and interactive food and fibre learning experiences by connecting classrooms with selected primary producers across Victoria. Each online session has a curriculum focus; is targeted to specific year groups; and is supported by accompanying activities (literacy, science, mathematics, etc). Sessions can also support staff in addressing cross-curriculum priorities such as sustainability, to enrich the learning experience. VIC Farmer Time sessions are both pre-recorded (for ease of implementation within your classroom) or can be arranged as a one-on-one opportunity to chat live with farmers for a focused question-and-answer session. Visit our website link to find a VIC Farmer Time that supports your unit of work, or contact Education Officers to arrange a direct video call with your students.



How to facilitate a VIC Farmer Time session:


How to facilitate a VIC Farmer Time session:


Pre-Recorded VIC Farmer Time Sessions

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Years 3-4