So who are the people bringing Farmer Time into Australian Classrooms?
Since 2008
The Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia (PIEFA) is a tripartite not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, formed through the collaboration of the Australian Government, primary industries organisations and the education sector.
It has government, industry and education membership. PIEFA’s vision is for an Australian community that understands and values its primary industries. .
Farmer Time is run in Australia by the Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia with guidance and agreement with Linking Environment And Farming (LEAF).
The Foundation’s objectives are to:
● provide national leadership and coordination of initiatives to encourage primary industries education in schools through a partnership between industry, government and educators;
● commission, coordinate, facilitate and manage national projects to encourage primary industries education in schools;
● provide a source of credible, objective and educational resources for schools to maintain and improve community confidence in Australia’s primary industries;
● and communicate primary industries research and development outcomes in a format accessible for schools and encourage interest from schools in primary industries related careers.