Farmer Time

Learn From A Farmer

Home Wonderful Wool

Wonderful Wool

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Activity One: Farmer Profile.

Click on one of the buttons below to read or listen to Farmer Grant’s profile.

Activity Two: VIC Farmer Time.

Watch the VIC Farmer Time session to learn all about the different jobs that take place each day on a sheep farm. As you watch, listen out for the different ways Farmer Grant cares for the sheep on his farm.


After watching the VIC Farmer Time session click on the button to download the Needs of a Sheep Worksheet. Draw a picture of each of the things a sheep need to be happy and healthy as they grow and change.

VIC Farmer Time: A Day in the Life of a Sheep Farmer with Farmer Grant.

Activity Three: Making a Paper Plate Sheep.

Follow the instructions to make your own paper plate sheep.

Activity Four: Charlie the Shearing Kid.

Check out the video of Charlie the Shearing Kid. As you watch, listen out for the different steps involved in turning fleece from a sheep’s back into items we use every day! (n.d.). Charlie the Shearing Kid – Behind the News. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 May 2022].

Activity Five: Ordering the Journey from Fleece to Fibre.



Drag and drop the pictures into the correct order to show the different steps involved in turning fleece from a sheep into everyday items such as clothes, carpets and furniture.


Activity Six: Design Your Own Woolly Jumper.


Click on the button to download the Woolly Jumper Template. Use your creativity to design your own woolly jumper.


Extra challenge: When you have finished your design you might like to try knitting a woolly jumper using real wool!