Farmer Time

Learn From A Farmer

Home Features and Fun on the Farm

Features and Fun on the Farm

This unit focuses on developing a basic understanding of some of the external features of farm plants and animals. Teachers can follow this short unit to engage with different food and fibre and use resources from Produce It. Protect It. to discover features of fibre that is produced by agricultural industries such as; wool, cotton and alpacas. The unit features a VIC Farmer Time segment and students will hear first-hand about the requirements of animals in a specific production system. The lessons explore the needs and growth of farm animals and promotes skills in sequencing, discussion and design.

Farmer Profile
Danyel Cucinotta- F-2

VIC Farmer Time: Egg Production with Farmer Danyel.

Lesson Plans and Resources

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Unit Overview


 Features and Needs on the Farm

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Growing and Changing on the Farm

Other Industry Resources